Rechtsanwalt Steuerberatung

Volume III

Chapter XI: Liberty of the Subject

1 General Warrants

10 Habeas Corpus and Impressment

25 Civil Imprisonment and Slavery

39 Spies and Informers

49 Protection of Foreigners


Chapter XII: The Church and Religious Liberty

60 The Reformation

71 Religious Affairs to 1760

82 Advance of Toleration

94 Advance of Toleration, Continued

107 Advance of Toleration, to the Union with Ireland

119 Failure of the Catholic Claims


Chapter XIII: The Church and Religious Liberty, Continued

133 The Catholic Claims under the Regency

146 The Catholic Claims to 1828

156 Catholic Emancipation Achieved

172 Results of Catholic Emancipation

172 Quakers and Jews


Chapter XIV: The Church and Religious Liberty, Continued

188 Marriage and Burial: Civil Registration

188 Universities

199 Dissenters’ Chapels: Church Rates

209 Progress of the Church: Tithes

222 The ‘Papal Aggression’

235 Scotland: The Disruption

255 Religious Affairs in Ireland


Chapter XV: Local Government

275 English Parishes and Boroughs

287 Scottish and Irish Municipalities: Local Boards and Counties


Chapter XVI: Ireland before the Union

299 Ireland to 1779

311 Ireland: Volunteers and United Irishmen

325 The Rebellion of 1798 and the Union


Chapter XVII: British Colonies and Dependencies

338 The American Revolution

356 The New Colonial Empire

377 India Chapter


XVIII: Progress of General Legislation

385 Law Reform

393 The Criminal Law

405 The Poor Law: Factory Acts: Education

415 Free Trade: Conclusion


Supplementary Chapter: 1861-1871

425 Parliamentary Reform

443 Other Political Events 1866-71